easyreveal / com.jem.easyreveal / RevealLayout


interface RevealLayout

RevealLayout is the base interface for all the other EasyRevealLayouts


Name Summary
OnUpdateListener interface OnUpdateListener
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when current reveal percentage value is changed.


Name Summary
clipPathProvider abstract var clipPathProvider: ClipPathProvider
ClipPathProvider provides the path used for clipping.
currentRevealPercent abstract var currentRevealPercent: Float
Percentage of the view currently revealed.
hideAnimationDuration abstract var hideAnimationDuration: Long
Total duration of the hide animation.
onUpdateListener abstract var onUpdateListener: RevealLayout.OnUpdateListener?
Listener to get percent value updates when animating.
revealAnimationDuration abstract var revealAnimationDuration: Long
Total duration of the reveal animation.


Name Summary
hide abstract fun hide(): Unit
Used to perform hide animation.
reveal abstract fun reveal(): Unit
Used to perform reveal animation.
revealForPercentage abstract fun revealForPercentage(percent: Float, shouldAnimate: Boolean): Unit
Reveal view to specified reveal percentage.


Name Summary
EasyRevealConstraintLayout class EasyRevealConstraintLayout : ConstraintLayout, RevealLayout
EasyRevealinearLayout is a custom ConstraintLayout that implements RevealLayout.
EasyRevealFrameLayout class EasyRevealFrameLayout : FrameLayout, RevealLayout
EasyRevealinearLayout is a custom FrameLayout that implements RevealLayout.
EasyRevealLinearLayout class EasyRevealLinearLayout : LinearLayout, RevealLayout
EasyRevealinearLayout is a custom LinearLayout that implements RevealLayout.