All Types

Name Summary
com.jem.easyreveal.clippathproviders.CircularClipPathProvider ClipPathProvider which provides Circular path.
com.jem.easyreveal.ClipPathProvider Abstract class that should be extended by other ClipPathProvider classes.
com.jem.easyreveal.layouts.EasyRevealConstraintLayout EasyRevealinearLayout is a custom ConstraintLayout that implements RevealLayout.
com.jem.easyreveal.layouts.EasyRevealFrameLayout EasyRevealinearLayout is a custom FrameLayout that implements RevealLayout.
com.jem.easyreveal.layouts.EasyRevealLinearLayout EasyRevealinearLayout is a custom LinearLayout that implements RevealLayout.
com.jem.easyreveal.clippathproviders.LinearClipPathProvider ClipPathProvider which provides a Rectangular path used to clip the view in a singular direction.
com.jem.easyreveal.clippathproviders.RandomLineClipPathProvider ClipPathProvider which provides path which consists of random strips of rectangles (AKA, lines).
com.jem.easyreveal.RevealLayout RevealLayout is the base interface for all the other EasyRevealLayouts
com.jem.easyreveal.clippathproviders.StarClipPathProvider ClipPathProvider which provides a Star shaped path.
com.jem.easyreveal.clippathproviders.SweepClipPathProvider ClipPathProvider which provides a Sweep type path, which is basically a circular segment.
com.jem.easyreveal.clippathproviders.WaveClipPathProvider ClipPathProvider which provides Wave shaped paths which are flatter when percent is closer to 0 or 100, and are at max height when closer to 50.